Monday, July 2, 2012

My first blog, EVER! Let me start off by saying that the only reason I am blogging  is because for One: Facebook is getting LAME. I had the cutest little cowboy picture posted, someone reported me and it got deleted. Two: This is a great way for you to keep up with me, learn about me and my customers, etc.

My love for photography started forever ago, but it really took off for me fours years ago. I have met some of the most amazing people along the way. I have shared births, marriage, first birthday's, you name it! I am most patient person EVER! ( I hope that doesn't change when the baby comes lol) If I have to sit for 30 minutes to get the shot, I will. Nothing else matters to me once my camera is in my hand.

So with that said, here is the CUTE little cowboy everyone raved over. I was there when his mommy gave birth on up until his first birthday!!! Enjoy :O)


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